A loan helped to buy a weaving machine to increase her production and earn better income.

Maria's story

Maria is a 52 year old woman, widowed, and the mother of three children. She earns a living making artisanal weavings with alpaca wool.

She is entrepreneurial, independent, patient, a good listener, supportive, strong, a good mother, joyous, optimistic, happy, with a good attitude, dedicated to her work, generous, friendly, responsible and very hardworking.

She does her work in the city of Chijini Chico, which is found on the way to Viacha. Maria is of dark complexion and medium height with long black hair. Her native language is Aymara, and she uses Spanish according to her business needs.

Her business is the preparation and processing of alpaca wool blankets and sweaters, and she's been doing this for more than 15 years.

The artisanal production process for an alpaca garment starts with the disintegration of the fiber, separating impurities according to the quality of the fleeces and colors. After removing the impurities, wool is spun on a manual spinning wheel or distaff pedal. The fabric is done entirely by hand, using chopsticks or circular needles.

She dreams of growing her business and having more customers. Her wish is to improve and increase her production by buying a weaving machine to offer products woven by hand and machine, thus earning better income.

Because of these goals, Maria is seeking a loan to buy a weaving machine to increase her production and earn better income.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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