A loan helped a member to buy bags of different sizes.

Jormoh Group's story

Patience is a married mother of two daughters, both of whom attend school. She is in her late 30's, and lives with her kids and husband.

For eight years now, she has been supporting her family by selling bags. Patience depends on this business to generate income for her family, so she puts all of her energy into satisfying her customers, such as by playing nice music at the shop. She explains that she usually works from 8 am until 6 pm on a daily basis, which allows her to realize good profits each month.

For the sake of improving her business, Patience, together with other seven members, approached ID-Ghana to obtain financial support, a total of GHS 3,300. The group members will hold each other accountable to repay their portions of the loan. This is her first loan request, which she would like to use to buy bags of different sizes to sell to customers.

She dreams of growing her enterprise. As a result of this agenda, Patience will be able to generate an increase in her income, which she used to pay school fees, household expenses, and expansion of the business.

In this group: Patience, Evans, Richard, Afua, Caroline, Patience, Mame Esi, Ama

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