A loan helped a member to buy supplies to grow corn.

Tzucubal, Nahualá Ii Group's story

Diego is the third person from the left in the picture, wearing a white t-shirt, red pants, and sandals. He is 31 years old and lives in the town of Nahualá, in the department of Sololá. He used his previous loan to grow corn and it gave him very good results. He achieved his goal, which was to have enough food to feed his family, and he sold a good portion of his harvest. The money from that sale allowed him to be able to cover many of his family's needs. The advice he is getting about managing and maintaining corn are enabling him to obtain good harvests.

Diego needs a loan to buy supplies like fertilizer and to pay for laborers to maintain his corn crops. He has used the profit he makes to gradually improve his family's living conditions. Diego's dream is to buy machinery for tailoring.

In this group: Catarina, Ana Jocefina, Diego, Antonio, Manuel, Lucía Angélica, Manuel Enrique

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Sanchis.

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