A loan helped a member to buy a 40 watt mini solar home lighting system which will light up 4 light bulbs for 12 hours a day.

Chiengkonpang F Group's story

Tingzanieng and 14 other women residing in various rural areas around Churachandpur, Manipur in northeast state of India have come together to seek a loan to buy a solar home lighting system. Tingzanieng is the featured profile member pictured with her hand raised. Devoid of continuous access to grid-based power, the family depends on alternative lighting devices like kerosene lamps, candles, petromax, etc. to light the home for a significant period of time after dark every day. Tingzanieng is forced to divert a considerable share of their means towards the purchase of these alternative lighting sources as they demand expensive fuel. Besides, the lamps are putting the health of the family members at risk as they emit lethal gases while burning kerosene.

Since a solar lighting system is powered by the sun’s renewable energy; the system is energy neutral and an absolutely clean source of illumination. Therefore, Tingzanieng and the rest of the group members want to purchase solar lighting devices which are a cleaner alternative. However, these women cannot afford them as they entail finances out of their reach. So, they are looking for support in the form of a loan amounting to 182,595 INR to buy solar lighting devices each costing 12,173 INR. Your help will not only bring an end to their daily ordeal with the noxious fumes but also engender additional savings to live a better life.

In this group: Tingzanieng, Chonglaldeih, Hoihzanei, Chongneo, Chongboi, Mary Jone, Lucy, Tingneihat, Tingneilhing, Rosemary, Chongmuonkim, Bimola, Lamneihchong, Niangzanem, Chawinu

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