A loan helped to purchase a delivery vehicle and supplies to create additional Vintage Wooden Tables.

Renee's story

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but for Renee, vintage furniture is an entire novel. During the preparations for her wedding, Renee and her husband sought to create a remarkable venue filled with old and vintage décor. During the process, they found a passion for treasure hunting and a need for vintage weddings. Thus, Forget-Me-Not Vintage Rentals was born.

Dedicated to vintage item rental to fully enhance the ambiance of clients' weddings and parties, Renee utilizes a warehouse and website to showcase her inventory. She rents her merchandise on a large scale system consisting mostly of weddings. They transport the inventory and hope to purchase a box truck to increase efficiency. In addition, one of their more famous items, Vintage Wooden Tables, can be recreated but requires a specific type of wood. Thus, Renee needs a loan to purchase more raw materials.

Help Renee fulfill her vision and get her interesting niche business off the ground!

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