A loan helped to buy agricultural supplies in order to care for her coffee crops.

Mayra Patricia's story

Mayra did not complete elementary school. She went to school through the fourth grade because her parents were not able to support her so that she could complete her studies. This is why she and her life partner work very hard so that their son will have better opportunities in the future.

She is a housewife and a farmer. She has been working in this capacity for many years. At a very early age her parents taught her to work the land. Their customers are the grocery stores, intermediaries who come to the area, and neighbors, among others.

She has only one child, and he goes to the community school. She works the land with her husband. The land is her own, thanks to an inheritance from her parents.

She has requested a loan from the COMIXMUL cooperative to buy 1,000 pounds of 18-46-0 fertilizer, 1,000 pounds of urea, and to pay for the labor to clean and fertilize her coffee crops.

The plans for the future are to improve her system for processing coffee by purchasing a pulper machine. With this she will be able to do the work more quickly and precisely. She will also be able to grow another variety of coffee that is more attractive and competitive in the market. This way she will be able to generate more income and reach her goals.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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