A loan helped a member to buy various products and fruit.

Massavo Group's story

The Massavo Group is made up of three women who live in the same neighbourhood. The group representative, Tatiana (the woman with her hand raised in the photo), is 27 years old. Tatiana received an education up to the primary school level. Tatiana is married to a man named Parfait, who she lives with. The couple has no children. Together, the couple meet the costs for their household expenses. In order to meet these expenses, Tatiana sells various products and fruit from out of her home. She has done this for the last seven years. Tatiana gets her supplies from a market in Benin. In order to further strengthen their buying power and better satisfy client demand, Tatiana and the other members of the Massavo Group are requesting their second loan from Alidé. Their previous loan was paid back in full.

In this group: Tatiana, Pélagie, Justine

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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