A loan helped to purchase groceries like basic grains, frozen food, sweets, and other products.

Rosa Argentina's story

Rosa Argentina is a single mother of three adult children who are living on their own. She is from one of the municipalities in Chinandega, located in the western area of the country, which is known for being commercially productive and home to one of the largest sugar mills in the country.

Rosa is a microentrepreneur. She owns a small grocery store where she sells basic goods like rice, sugar, beans, oil, milk, bread, eggs, firewood, frozen food, detergents, sweets, cigarettes, toilet paper, and other products, which she purchases from markets and distributors and sells for cash at home, at her front door. She started her business with her own funds from her savings and has been in business for several years, which has allowed her to become well known among her customers. She gives them her best service by opening her doors very early and staying open late. One of her dreams is being able to further improve her business and make certain home improvements.

The purpose of this financing is to invest in working capital by purchasing groceries like basic grains, frozen food, detergent, firewood, tomatoes, onions, plantains, sweets, and other products so that she can offer her customers more variety and obtain more income.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Sanchis.

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