A loan helped pay for his wife's health treatment and medical drugs.

Martun's story

Martun is twenty-seven years old and lives in Kapan city in Syunik region. He has a vocational education and currently works at the gas station. Martun is married with one daughter and one son. He lives with his parents. Martun’s father also is employed and he works as a driver at a private company. Both Martun and his father work very hard in order to support their family. Martun’s wife does not work and she takes care of their children.

Martun asks for a loan of 400,000 Armenian Drams, as his wife needs to go through a course of treatment for some health problems she has had recently. The doctor has already prescribed drugs for her treatment but the drugs are rather expensive, even though she needs to take them.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details