A loan helped to purchase more broiler chicks and chick feed.

Plaxedes's story

Plaxedes is a 23-year-old married mother of one. She assists young people in her community through conducting life skills education classes.

In addition to being a community role model, Plaxedes established her poultry business in August after noticing an increase in demand for broiler chickens. She currently produces approximately 115 chickens every six weeks and sells them to the local customers.

Plaxedes knows she could sell more chickens each month if she were able to invest in growing her business. However, all of her income is currently needed to provide for her child who is dependent upon her.

This Kiva loan will enable Plaxedes to expand her business through purchasing more broiler chicks and feed to increase production. With this investment in her business, her profits will increase, and she will be able to continue to care for her child as well as provide access to education.

Loan details

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Loan details