A loan helped a member to buy peanuts to make peanut paste for sale.

Benkadi Group's story

The Benkadi Group is made up of married women who live with their husbands and children in nuclear families. They are, on average, thirty-one years old, and have five children. They live in Lassa, and know one another through family, friendship and neighbourhood ties.

All the group members work selling peanut paste. In order to increase their working capital, the group works with the field partner, Soro Yiriwaso, and this will be their first group loan.

Damafing (standing second from the right in the photo) has a well-earned reputation selling peanut paste. She will use her loan to buy three sacks of peanuts at the market.

To make the paste, the peanuts are shelled, grilled, skinned, sorted and then ground in a mill. The resulting paste is sold to individual customers who are mostly women.

Damafing hopes to earn a monthly average of 20,000 francs CFA, which she will reinvest in her business and use to provide for the needs of her children.

In this group: Sali, Mariam, Adjaratou, Damafing

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sarah Ryder.

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