A loan helped to purchase agricultural supplies and to hire laborers to maintain her coffee plants.

Lucenia Antonia's story

Doña Lucenia is very happy and grateful for the support of Kiva lenders. These lenders, in cooperation with the COMIXMUL [Cooperativa Mixta Mujeres Unidas - Mixed Cooperative of United Women] Cooperative, supported her so that she could purchase the supplies required to grow a successful coffee crop, including manure, foliar fertilizers [absorbed through leaves], and urea. Kiva support also allowed Doña Lucenia to pay the laborers who cleared weeds away from coffee plants.

Doña Lucenia earned enough from her coffee crop to pay off her loan and reinvest a small amount in the post-harvest maintenance of her plantation. The plantation was in poor condition after the harvest and Doña Lucenia needed additional capital to prepare for the next crop. She is therefore applying for a second loan so that she can complete the work she's begun and pay laborers. She hopes she will receive new support from lenders and with their help continue to run a successful plantation, paying off her loan a little at a time.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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