A loan helped a member to buy additional porridge and liquors for sale.

Fifonsi Gbenondou 2 Group's story

The Fifonsi Gbenondou 2 group is made up of two people who live in the same area. The representative of the group, Houevi Jeannette (whose hand is raised in the photo), is 48 years old. She did not go to school. She is married to a fisherman named Michel. The couple has five children, who are under their care and who go to school. The family lives together, and together the couple takes care of the various household expenses.

For this reason, Houevi Jeannette has been selling porridge, tea, and liquors in her area for 30 years. She procures her goods from a market in Benin.

This is the second time that Houevi Jeannette and the members of the Fifonsi Gbenondou 2 group are seeking financial support from Alide. Their goal is to strengthen their businesses in order to better respond to customer needs. Their previous loan has been repaid correctly.

In this group: Houevi Jeannette, Jeanne

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lindsay Ferrara.

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