A loan helped to buy cosmetics like lotions, creams and perfumes and household appliances to resell..

Sonia Marilu's story

Sonia is 28 years old. She lives in a common-law relationship with her husband. They have 3 children and live in a village which belongs to Nueva Frontera, Santa Bárbara. She has always been in business, before she sold food. For the last 5 years she has been selling cosmetics like creams, perfumes, lotions and also sells plastic products and appliances on order. She sells door-to-door.

Sonia has requested a loan of 10,000 HNL to stock cosmetics like lotions, perfumes, creams and appliances she has been asked for. She wants to increase her sales. Her plan is to expand her business so she can provide a good education for her children.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

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