A loan helped to remodel green houses, install heating, and make them higher.

Alexander's story

Alexander has a business in S.Novovodyanoe. For 16 years, he has been growing cucumbers, first with his mother, and now with his family. This vegetable is grows best, but it loves warm weather. Alexander knows from friends that heating can bring a larger profit. Therefore, he wants to heat his greenhouses. Furthermore, his two greenhouses are low ant plants are poorly ventilated and sickly. Thus, he needs to remodel them and make them higher. In order to do this, he needs a large investment, so he has decided to apply for a loan. This loan will help Alexander grow an earlier harvest and ensure prosperity for his family. Alexander has two small children and, being a caring father, he wants to give them everything they need.

Note: Alexander pictured with one of his sons.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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