A loan helped to start a business selling dairy products.

Zikrillo's story

This man called Zikrillo is 36. He is married with three children. His wife is a homemaker and takes care of household chores. Their three children are in school. Zikrillo has tried many things in his life and has a great deal of experience in retail and trade. At first he started working in animal husbandry - he bought cattle from one market and resold them with markup at another cattle market. After that he started selling potatoes and onions. He bought goods at wholesale prices from the growers and sold them with markup at a small market near his home. In such a way, he was able to save money, which he put toward the acquisition of a milk stall to sell dairy products. Zikrillo has made the decision to start a new business selling dairy products. He has about $600, but it is not enough to acquire the inventory he needs to begin. For this reason he is asking for a loan. He has already found a milk processor where he will buy his goods and he just needs help to start his business. Please help him!

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Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Kat Tancock.

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