A loan helped purchase of fall trousers and shirts.

Nabiullo's story

At age 34, Nabiullo N. is a young entrepreneur and father of four children. He sells men's clothes and footwear at the "Panchsher" market, which he has been doing for the past seven years. In his supply of goods, he has a large assortment of denim, woolen and silk trousers for young people, as well as t-shirts, dress shirts, and shoes. He purchases his stock from Chinese and Turkish suppliers, sometimes from the wholesale market "Korvon." Nabiullo tries to have an in-season supply line, and each season he brings out a new assortment of goods. For the fall season, Nabiullo would like to take out a loan for 4100 somone to purchase fall trousers and shirts.

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Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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