A loan helped to buy tools and material.

Laurentino's story

Laurentino is in a common law marriage and is the father of four young children. He is retired from the armed forces due to health reasons. A condition is his lower extremities do not allow him to move around very well, so he generates income to support the household by transporting steel. He want to restart his recycling activities that he used to do five years ago since it provided good results. He is asking for this loan to buy tools (press) and recyclable material (plastic, cardboard, and other things) so he can resell it once transformed. This will generate earnings that will improve his family’s quality of life. Laurentino wants his business to provide financial stability so he can provide better wellbeing for his wife and children. He wants to be able to provide jobs for others in the future.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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