A loan helped a member to increase his capital and buy a professional digital camera to attract more customers in order to earn more.

Komeza Group's story

Félix is a member of the Komeza group. He lives in Bujumbura and is 43 years old. He is married to Renathe, a farmer. They have three children aged between eight and 13, who are all in school.

Félix sells photography services and this is his fourth loan from Turame. With his Kiva loan, he will increase his capital and buy a professional digital camera to attract more customers in order to earn more money.

In the years to come, he would like to buy a plot of land and build a house, and see his children continue their studies.

In this group: Rémy, Thomas, Vianey, J.moїse, Jacqueline, Prosper, Evariste, M.goreth, Emmanuel, Maurice, J.claude, Zacharie, Evelyne, Egide, Brani, Suavis, Augustin, Eric, Felix

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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