A loan helped a member purchase various merchandise and supplies.

Nuevo Amanecer Group's story

The members of the New Dawn Committee are women from the central neighborhood of Villa Elisa. They formed the group to help finance their economic activities. There are many people in the committee who carry out a variety of activities to make a living. The loan they receive from Kiva partner Fundación Paraguay is very useful in financing each member's small businesses, which they have developed thanks to this program. All the women are mothers and hard workers, and what brings them together and strengthens their bond is a common commitment to the loan.

The loan will be used to purchase various items, the majority being raw materials or supplies for the members' various business activities. For example, María Beatriz C. plans to invest her loan in the purchase of fabrics, buttons, threads and all the other materials needed to make clothing. These types items will be acquired by all the members who work as seamstresses. Others who make a living selling desserts and candies will invest in the purchase of sugar, flour, vanilla, eggs, milk, among other items. The women dedicated to commerce or have a convenience store, or sell cosmetics will use their loan to purchase items to sell, such as discs, sugar, beauty products, clothing or new products to start selling (new clothing styles, new cleaning products, etc.).

In this group: Teresa, Karen, Telma, Oilda, Catalina, Primitiva, Maria Elizabeth, Alice, Maria Antonia, Irene, Maria Victoria, Azucena, Teodosia, Marina, Teodora, Remigia, Adriana, Dominga, María

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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