A loan helped to buy cement and wood to repair her house.

Mastura's story

This is the seventh time that Mastura, age 40, is taking a loan from IMON International. She is an honest and kind woman who has been working for a public institution for seven years. In addition, she makes an income from animal husbandry, fattening livestock at home with the help of her children.

Mastura is married and the mother of two children. Her husband works as a teacher in a secondary school and earns a small salary. For this reason, Mastura is the family's main breadwinner.

Mastura and her husband have dreamed about repairing their house for a long time. However, they don't have enough money to do so. Mastura is taking a loan of 3,500 somoni to buy cement, wood and so forth. She is relying on your kindness and generosity.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan.

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