A loan helped a member to buy a hair dryer, brushes, and cosmetic products.

Vicuñitas De Huayna Potosi Group's story

The communal bank “Vicuñitas de Huayana Potosi” will begin its tenth cycle with Pro Mujer as part of the regional office of German Busch. It is made up of eight members and is directed by a governing board of which Luisa is the president. The businesses that the members of the association work in are varied. Among them are: the employee of a chicken store, a hair salon, weaving blankets, jewelry, the assistant for a minibus, selling blankets, and selling meat pies.

The loan that they will take out will benefit small micro-businesses of which Luisa is a member. She indicates that she became a member of Pro Mujer seven months ago, joining through an invitation from her sister-in-law, who is a member of the institution. Currently, she has a hair salon. She launched this business with the help of her friend who left it to her, when she began a trip to another country.

The loan that she will now take out is for the increase of capital (the purchase of a hair dryer, brushes, and cosmetic products), which she will acquire from the wholesale shops in the city of El Alto. Subsequently, she will set up in her service space. This form of work allows her to generate resources to maintain her home as much as possible since she is married and has two children.

In the photograph, the sister of the member can be found, since she urgently left for her business.

In this group: Luisa Francisca , Elena, Lidia Melvi, Paola Andrea , Sonia, Delia , Claudia, Willy

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Tyler.

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