A loan helped to pay the costs of the university installments for his son and daughter.

Soud's story

Soud is a 44-year-old married man from Rafah city. He lives with his wife and three kids, two sons and one daughter, in a simple house. Soud is an employee in a local firm where he gets a very low income. He would like for his children to complete their studies and have a better future, but he does not have enough money for the university costs. His son studies Publishing and his daughter studies Business.

Sould took a USD loan from FATEN. This loan will help him to pay the costs of the university installments for his son and daughter. This will help them to complete their studies and find a good job in the future.

Soud is a conservative person who prefers not to have his photo published online, so his son appears in the photo.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details