A loan helped to make some changes to his premises and to buy everything he needs, like soft drinks, snacks, confectionary, cookies, fried foods, coffee and other products.

Hernán Javier's story

Hernán is a man of 45 years who makes a living working as an independent shop-keeper. He started with a fast food business, then he sold merchandise and now he wants to set up a café. For this he already owns the premises and fixed assets, but he needs supplies.

He asks for a loan because he would like to make some changes to the premises and to buy everything he needs, like soft drinks, snacks, sweets, cookies, fried foods, coffee and other products, so that he may start his work project with which he hopes to generate the income he needs to provide for his family.

Hernán is characterized as a dedicated, active and hardworking man. He knows that to achieve his objectives, he must fight tirelessly, with discipline and effort. This will help him fulfill his dream for the future, which is to have a big café where he can create employment opportunities and, as his business grows, set up other branches. By this he will have the opportunity to keep striving to provide a better quality of life for his family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Vaethjunker.

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