A loan helped to purchase fertilizers and insecticide for her farmland. The remaining amount will be used to purchase more ducks.

Oun's story

Oun N., age 32, is married and lives with her husband in Kampong Cham province, Cambodia. Since 2002, she has been working on her rice paddy field to earn a living and is able to earn around $1.50 each day. Her husband, Khum Oeun, age 36, is a construction worker who builds houses, and he also raises ducks for extra profit. On average, he makes around $2 of profit each day. This couple has two children and both of them are students.

Mrs. Oun N. would like to loan from Kiva via Credit, a local partner, to purchase fertilizers and insecticide for her farmland. The remainder will be used to purchase more ducks. (Mrs. Oun N. is pictured with her husband.)

CREDIT MFI is an independent Cambodian faith-based organization. It aims to empower the economically active poor and small entrepreneurs by providing inclusive financial services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details