A loan helped to buy ingredients.

Brenda Esperanza's story

Brenda, 25, lives with her husband. She has two dependent children and lives in her own house.

Brenda has made a living for four years as a street vendor selling bread, "rosquilla" pastry, dairy products, ice pops, and natural juices. Brenda's customers are students from the schools near her community as well as other neighbors and friends whom she visits daily. She lives in the community of San Lorenzo, a valley in the south of Honduras.

Brenda's requesting the loan to buy eggs, flour, corn, firewood, shortening, milk, and fruits, which are the ingredients to make her breads and juices. With the support of this loan she hopes to satisfy the need to invest in her business. She's very happy to continue working with Prisma.

Brenda's dream is to keep on improving her house and to expand her business.

San Lorenzo, Honduras, August 2013

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

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