A loan helped a member to purchase food supplies for her restaurant.

Danaya Group's story

All of them married in traditional extended families, the women of the group DANAYA average 43 years of age and four children each. The women all live in the city of TENE, in Région de Ségou (4th administrative region of the Republic of Mali), and they know one another through ties of community and kinship. They have restaurant businesses of all sorts, and they buy and sell a variety of merchandise.

With the goal of increasing their business capital, the group members joined the microfinance institution Soro Yiriwaso and are now on their fourteenth solidarity loan.

Ms. NANA (standing second from the right) intends to use her loan to purchase 300 kg of rice, 50 liters of oil, a box of Maggi bouillon cubes, a sack of onions, a half-sack of garlic, and a large amount of spices to sell. She gets her supplies from the big market in San. She has a casual eatery in TENE located along the road. All of her sales are made retail and in cash to a customer base composed of men and women.

With this loan, she hopes to make an average monthly profit of 39,000 francs CFA that will be used to reinvest in her business and to meet household needs.

In this group: Sali, Awa, Zouma, Nana

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

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