A loan helped to buy goods for her new, second kiosk, including sugar, coffee, cooking oil, and kitchen equipment.

Arance's story

Arance is a 38-year-old lady and married to Yusuf, a 41-year-old man. They’ve been blessed with two children, namely, Indah, 18, in the second year of Senior High School, and Angel, 14, in the second year of Junior High School.

Arance runs a kiosk business, to assist her husband by generating more income for her family. She initiated the business using her own capital. Bath soap, detergent, stationery, cigarettes, candies and snacks are available at her kiosk.

Arance has just recently established a brand new kiosk, in a different area, alongside a highway. She needs to add more goods to the new kiosk, such as sugar, coffee, cooking oil, and kitchen equipment. Arance needs more money, in order to do so. Therefore, she requested a loan of IDR 10,000,000 from TLM. She really hopes that her business will run well, so she will be able to repay the loan to TLM.

Loan details

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