A loan helped a member to buy ten bags of nails.

Mapendo Group's story

Bisimwa is a member of the Mapendo business group. She is an experienced entrepreneur and a mother of three children, who all go to school.

Bisimwa specializes in selling nails. She chose to sell this single item, because she lacks sufficient capital. She displays her goods in a central market. She started this business about seven years ago with money that she received from her husband.

This new loan will go towards buying ten bags of nails.

A big challenge is when the local markets have run out of nails. Sometimes, in these cases, she will go to Rwanda to buy some.

Bisimwa wishes to expand her business and sell other types of products. In addition she would like to [continue] educating and feeding her children.

Finally, Bisimwa strongly thanks Hekima for their lending support to small-scale entrepreneurs.

In this group: Mayange, Makelele, Lwabaguma, Busanga, Noella, Hamuri, Murhula, Cudele, Zihalirwa, Bahizire, Arhahama, Bisimwa, Mudumbi, Leocadie, Dafroza, Angeline, Zihalirwa, Lubamba, Chizungu, Anita

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lindsay Ferrara.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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