A loan helped to buy pants, blouses, shirts, and children's clothing.

Enedina Fedelinda's story

The communal bank La Victoria meets every two weeks in the La Victoria neighborhood in the city of Manta, known for its beautiful beaches, which tourists visit year round, and for being a wonderfully beautiful city with many tourist attractions. Enedina, 52, is single and lives here in a relative's house. This is her fourth loan cycle with the communal bank, which she likes because the members are close and responsible.

Enedina likes working to get ahead. She helps her aunt with the household cooking and cleaning, but she also sells a variety of clothing from her house and door-to-door. In her free time, she travels, but this doesn't keep her from doing her chores at her aunt's house. She has been doing this work for several years, which has allowed her to earn her own income and pay her personal expenses. She will use this loan to buy more merchandise such as pants, blouses, shirts, and children's clothing. Her dream is to prosper.

Translated from Spanish.

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