A loan helped a member to buy mobile recharging cards and other products to increase her sales.

Al-Fairoz Group's story

This group is called Al-Fairoz and consists of three ladies: Fairoz, Arwa, and Shroq. They applied for a loan of 170,000 YER from AMB.

Fairoz is the leader of this group. She lives in Aden, Yemen. She has four children; a fifth child died, and she felt sad for the death of her child.

She works tirelessly to provide sustenance for her family. She would like to expand her business, in addition to selling mobile recharging cards. So she applied for a loan to buy mobile recharging cards and other products to increase her sale.

She thanks Kiva lenders for providing the first loan, and wishes to be funded for this loan.

In this group: Fairoz, Arwa, Shroq

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details