A loan helped to improve her accessories and bags collection, by adding newly-released items.

Amani's story

Amani is a 28-year-old, married woman. She has a shop where she sells and rents wedding dresses, in addition to accessories and bags. She opened her own shop in October 2010, and has a total of seven years of experience in this domain. Amani is a hard worker, well-known in her region for the quality of the products she provides. Her shop is located at the main road, which is a positive point toward attracting new customers and expanding her business.

Amani is applying for a YOUTH loan from Kiva's partner, Al Majmoua, to improve her accessories and bags collection with newly-released items. The new items will attract customers' attention, and will surely increase her income. As for the future, she is planning to expand her working space, and diversify departments to be each one specialized, with selected items.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details