A loan helped a member to buy rice, beans, sugar, oil, beef, chicken, unripe and ripen bananas, cabbage, tomatoes, green bell peppers, onions, salt, firewood, cheese as well as creams and other cosmetics.

Las Mariposas De Los Solises Group's story

This group is composed of five resourceful members. Orquidea is one of them: she is 35 years old, she is married and she has two children aged 17 and 14. She sells “fritanga nicaragüense*” every day in her house; she also sells cosmetics by Avon, Zermat and other brands. The loan she is requesting will be invested in the purchase of products such as rice, beans, sugar, oil, beef, chicken, unripe and ripen bananas, cabbage, tomatoes, green bell peppers, onions, salt, firewood, cheese as well as creams and other cosmetics. Gabriela is 19 years old and she engages in selling shoes; Crista is 23 years old and she engages in selling uncooked and fried fish; Paula is 45 years old and she engages in selling tortillas; and Ana is 28 years old and she sells meals.

*A typical Nicaraguan dish

In this group: Orquidea De Los Angeles, Gabriela De Los Angeles, Paula Eloisa, Ana Mercedes, Crista Maria

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emanuela Villa.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details