A loan helped to buy cattle.

Gulom's story

Gulom learned about raising cattle from his parents when he was a child. Over time, he began to take care of them himself and operated his own business. When the business started to bring in income, he began to focus on it seriously. He now has a few head of cattle, but would like to increase their number to expand his business and earn more money.

Gulom has 4 wonderful children and he wants them to grow up health and well-educated. He himself could not go to school due to financial problems. He has big plans for the future and is doing everything he can to achieve his goals. Gulom is teaching his oldest son how to properly care for cattle and has given him some cattle of his own. His son likes to take care of the cattle and always helps his father. For the moment Gulom is planning to increase his herds because it is currently profitable to buy livestock. He wants to use the loan to buy cattle and expand his business. He thanks Arvand in advance for their help and support.

Translated from Russian.

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