A loan helped a member to hire labourers to plough her farm.

Rwamugooma Uwesso Grp Group's story

Venansio is a married woman with six children. She lives in the village of Ruhinda in the Rukungiri District. She previously borrowed 500,000 UGX from UGAFODE Microfinance Limited (MDI). She used the money to start up a small shop and fence some land for livestock farming.
She has since developed her business until this month when she applied for another loan with the Rwamugoma Uweso Group. She secured a loan of ugx. 1,000,000 with UGAFODE Microfinance Limited (MDI) and was enrolled on the KIVA Programme. She said that the money is going to help her improve her farm and add some stock in the shop and she is grateful to KIVA and UGAFODE for the partnership. She is a hard working woman.

In this group: Venansio, Scora, Harriet, John, Pastor, Jenniffer, Alice

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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