A loan helped a member to buy inventory, in bulk, to add to her stock, including clothes, shoes, and cosmetics.

Munafa Group's story

Meet the current members of Munafa Group, from Kabala, a town in northern Sierra Leone. They are all local entrepreneurs who have come to SMT, a partner of Kiva.org, to apply for a loan. Their loan amount is SLL 800,000 for each (SLL 2,400,000 in total). With the help of this loan, they will be able to expand their respective businesses, make more sales and, consequently, improve their living conditions.

Bor Feremusu is the featured leader of this group. The 25-year-old is married to a motorcycle taxi driver, and together they have two children. The children are attending primary school. Bor Feremusu sells clothes and other merchandise, like shoes and cosmetics. She has requested this loan in order to buy inventory, in bulk, to add to her stock, including clothes, shoes, and cosmetics.

In this group: Bor Feremusu, Zainab, Sundu

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details