A loan helped to purchase organic fertilizer.

Roel's story

Roel is a very honest and hard-working 33-year-old man. He lives in his own home with his wife Elizabeth and their three children, for whom Roel wishes to provide a better future. Roel cultivates fields dedicated mainly to coffee, achiote [a tropical tree with seeds known as annatto that are used to color and flavor foods], and bananas. Roel's produce sells fast at the Pichanaki city market due to its high quality. Roel has farmed for seven years and what he enjoys most about his work is cultivating the land. The most difficult part of farming is spraying the fields, which stretch over a large area in a hot climate that makes physical labor difficult. Roel hopes to increase production in the future, which will require investment. Roel notes that, "A blight has affected us this year, but I nonetheless grew a variety of completely healthy coffee, which helped me financially." This is Roel's second loan with Kiva. He's very happy to have received the previous loan and plans to make all of his payments on time. Roel will invest the 1,000 soles in organic fertilizer for his crops.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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