A loan helped to secure more projects and pay for maintenance on his machinery for continued use.

Francisco's story

Francisco is the proud owner of Covering America LLC, which has been in business for 20 years in South Texas. He understands the ins-and-outs of running a financially healthy business and how to reduce costs for himself and offer great prices for his customers.

With Accion Texas Inc. by his side, he was able to secure a loan to purchase equipment and build cash flow to grow his business. At this point in time, he has six contracts lined up with another four in the initial stages of negotiations. Francisco’s expertise is laser screed, a self-propelled four wheel unit that ensures accuracy and precision in laying concrete. The machine controls an area up to 1000 feet and guarantees a three millimeter accurate layout of concrete at each job. “My area of business is growing and with better equipment, I get better contracts.” Francisco said.

Based in Brownsville, Texas, Francisco has the ability to work throughout the booming coast town and to work with other partners in the oilfield industry. To secure more local contracts and grow his business in this area, Francisco worked with the Small Business Administration and Accion Texas Inc. to obtain his loan. “With Accion, I was able to expand my business capabilities and give my employees a healthy paycheck and keep them happy.” Francisco said. Francisco also used the loan to pay for maintenance on his machinery for continued use.

His plans are to grow at a steady rate and purchase more equipment to sustain all current operations. His target markets are small businesses and large corporations that may need subcontracting work.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details