A loan helped a member to buy farming inputs and pay for plowing.

Yeredon A Group's story

The YEREDON A group is made up of married women who are, on average, 33 years old. These women also have an average of four children each and they all live in polygamous families in Foh, one of the villages of the Sikasso Cercle (third administrative region of Mali).

They have joined the microfinance institution Soro Yiriwaso in order to pursue their farming activities during the rainy season. This is their sixth loan with this institution, and all previous loans have been duly repaid.

The featured borrower, Satou, grows sorghum. In the photo, she is in the middle of the standing row. She plans to use her loan to pay for plowing and to buy fertilizers to cultivate 3.7 acres of land. After the harvest, she sells her crop in her village and at the Sikasso market. Her customers are both men and women.

She is expecting to make an average profit of 155,000 CFA francs per farming season. This profit will allow her to repay her loan and to help her husband cover the daily expenses.

In this group: Satou, Sali, Fatoumata, Elize, Mariam Madou, Sitan, Bassitan, Kadiatou, Alimata, Wassa Amadou

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan.

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