A loan helped to finish her degree in assistant nursing with Campoalto.

Luisa Fernanda's story

Luisa Fernanda was born August 20th of 1990. Her mother's name is María and her father is Luis. When she was 7 months old, her parents separated and her mother decided to move to where her mother's family lives (grandmothers and aunts and uncles). She went to primary and secondary school there at Institución Educativa María Auxiliadora. In 2008, she received her high school degree.

In 2009, because her step father had to move for work and because she wanted to go to college, they moved to this city again, where she began to study medicine at the Fundación Universitaria San Martin. At the same time, she studied English at the Passport Language Academy, all of which was interrupted by her pregnancy.

On April 11, she entered the Federman to give birth to her daughter Zaray. Now she is two years old and goes to the Luz Del Mañana day care. For reasons not to be mentioned here, she does not live with Zaray's father. This has not been an obstacle to giving all of the love and education she can to her daughter, of whom she is very proud and for whom she gives her life.

She lives the area of health. One of her goals is to be a doctor but for reasons of time and money, this goal is being postponed temporarily, while still being a priority. Because she likes working in health she is studying to be a nurse's assistant at the Institución CampoAlto. there she has shown that help, attention and care for others is her passion.

Right now, she dreams of being a good nurse, being a good example to her daughter and continuing to value her mother and her grandmother. She is very grateful to God for having education and values that her mother gave her, which made her the good person that she is today, honorable and eager to get ahead.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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