A loan helped to buy seed, fertilizer, insecticide, ranger, and animal feed.

Luis Patricio's story

Luis Patricio, 24, is single and lives with his parents in Chillanes Province in Bolìvar. He belongs to the communal bank Arrayapamba, which comprises 12 members from the same community about 25 minutes from the cooperative's office. The members farm and raise livestock and are merchants.

Luis Patricio grows corn, beans, and mulberries and raises pigs. He is applying for a loan to buy seed, fertilizer, insecticide, ranger, and animal feed. He buys and sells in Chillanes. He dreams of buying land. His challenge is lack of capital. In his free time, he likes to play soccer and enjoy the local festivals and carnivals.

Translated from Spanish.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details