A loan helped to buy fabric, machines, and thread.

Virginia Elena's story

Virginia lives in Guayaquil. She started working for a dressmaking company, then decided to buy her own machines and start her business making clothing for all sizes. She works on her own, all day long. She has her business in her home, where she sews blouses, pants, underwear—a little bit of everything. Every day she asks God for her well-being and to keep her and her adult son free from any disease.

She is a single mother, as her husband abandoned her, leaving her alone with her son. Because of this, she has kept going so that she can give them a better life.

With the loan she wants to expand, with more fabric, machines and thread, so that she can sew more easily and make more things that her customers request. Besides getting more machines, she can give work to other people, enabling them to earn more and provide a better living for their families.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jeff Goldie.

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