A loan helped a member to buy more stock of onions.

Abamwe Group's story

Juliet is a married woman aged 46. She has six children whom she has been able to educate with the support of income she gets from her business. She joined the group through the group chairperson who had successfully ran his business since 1999 with the help of the UGAFODE loans. She was encouraged and also enrolled for the same and has since been grateful. She is a very hard working woman who earns UGX 250,000 or more daily. She sells and buys onions and through this business, she saved and accumulated income to buy a plot of land in the village. She will use the Ugafode loan for business development (buying more onions) and to educate her children. Her main challenge is the bad debtors but otherwise she appreciates the services she has gained from Ugafode Micro Finance Limited and believes the new partnership with Kiva will create a lasting impact.

In this group: Ephraim, Edison, Annah, Dickson, Juliet, Didus

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details