A loan helped to buy silk thread, rope, scissors, etc. for her business.

Nelis Nohemy's story

Nelis is 28 years old, married, with two children. She lives in her own house with her husband and two children. This is located in a town in southern Honduras. For the past five years she has been selling cotton, silk and rope hammocks of all sizes and types.
She sells her hammocks daily, from Monday to Sunday. Her customers are people who travel to the capital of Honduras, as her business is located on the road to the capital of the Republic.
Mrs. Nelis is asking for this loan in order to buy the materials needed to make hammocks, such as silk thread, rope, needles, etc. She would like to provide a greater variety of goods for her business.

San Lorenzo, Honduras - January, 2013

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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