A loan helped to buy potatoes, onions, tomatoes, melons, carrots, beets, bananas, etc.

Josefa Alejandra's story

Josefa, 47, is a native of Granada. She is a widow and mother of six children aged 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, and 23. Currently, only three attend school and the other three work. As a trader, she sells vegetables. She began in this area of trade at the age of 23 with the help of her husband who traveled to the United States to obtain extra income to invest in her business. Due to the passing away of her husband, she decided to undertake another business of selling nacatamals on the weekends. She did this since she had to look for a means to sustain and maintain her family. She feels satisfied because both business are generating income daily and they have regular customers.

She is requesting this loan to buy potatoes, onions, tomatoes, melons, carrots, beets, bananas, etc. She estimates that this loan will help her to buy all the vegetables that she needs to stock her business' inventory. Her future plans are to be able to pay off this loan and then apply for another one to continue investing in her business to keep it stable and profitable. One of her next goals is to expand her business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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