A loan helped to buy stock of spare parts.

Edward's story

Edward is 24 years old and fixes broken wind screens for vehicles and cycles at one of the famous garage markets in the city. He works every day of the week to raise enough income to look after himself and his mother in the village. He has run this business since 2009 when he dropped out of school due to lack of tuition.

Customers trust his good work and honesty. Edward does exactly what his customers request and at a reasonable price. He wants to buy more wind screens in bulk to increase available inventory. He realizes that most of the neighboring shops who deal in the same business have many other vehicle spare parts rather than wind screens alone. Therefore, he wants to engage himself in selling other spare parts just like the colleagues do if he gets the loan.

Edward’s major challenges are limited capital to invest in his business and customers who sometimes do not pay in time. He has hopes to become a prominent business man and improve his standards of living.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details