A loan helped to buy a tent.

Luz Ángela's story

Sustainment often becomes a great challenge for many families who don’t have the necessary resources to get ahead. This is the case with Luz Ángela, a 41 year old woman with three minor children. Her precarious financial situation was creating a sense of desperation because she didn’t know how to generate an income so she could support her children. Motivated by a friend of her’s, she decided to sell fried foods from her home, using a small fryer. Thanks to the good service and discipline, she was able to buy a fast food cart to improve her small business. Now she if very grateful for the benefits that God has provided.

Her dream is to continue consolidating so that she can provide for an education for her children. She is asking for this loan to buy a tent so that she can offer better service and generate a better income for her household.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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