A loan helped a member to buy materials for the manufacture of typical feminine clothing.

Jóvenes Del Cambio Group's story

Olga (standing in the middle in the photograph) is twenty-four years old. She is single and lives in Sololá together with her parents and siblings. She makes a living in manufacturing typical feminine clothing that are worn in her community. She learned this trade from her mother when she was a young girl. She uses half the day to work and make the clothing and the other half of the day to study.

Thanks to her own effort and that of her parents, she was able to finish her studies in school. However, the lack of employment opportunities is widepread. Because of this, she decided to take up this work independently, in order to be able to contribute to the economy and development of her family.

She has been manufacturing clothing for one year, and sees that her profits are good. Currently, she wants to invest more capital in order to make better products.

She is the representative that took the initiative to form this group of young women who are now requesting a loan to grow their businesses. She wants to buy threads of different colors and different qualities.

The other members are the two women on either side of her in the photo. One of them also manufactures women's clothing, and the other has a business raising chickens. They also will use part of this loan for their own businesses.

They have a goal of continuing to invest and to have larger businesses in the future with better incomes for their families.

In this group: Olga Maria, Vilma Noemí, Matilde

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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