A loan helped to purchase a collection of winter clothing to sell.

Shadya's story

Shadya is a 43-year-old married woman who is a mother of four sons and two daughters. Her husband is a farmer but his income is not enough to cover all of the family's needs. For the past eight years, Shadya has been operating a clothing store which has a good location in the center of the market. She has many loyal customers and a good reputation among her customers. Shadya is photographed in her store. Her business is profitable and she is able to provide a second helpful source of income for her family. She needs financial support to cover her costs.

Shadya is requesting a USD loan from FATEN to purchase a new collection of winter clothing to sell. Her loan will enable her to have a wide collection of clothes to meet increased customer demand and increase her sales. Shadya hopes that her loan will have a positive impact on her family.

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