A loan helped to buy more stock to sell in her store such as canned goods, noodles and snack foods, as well as ingredients for her cooking business.

Marivic's story

Marivic is a 28-year-old married woman and a mother of a 4-year-old daughter from Loon, Bohol.

She runs a sari-sari or variety store and snack food vending business. She has been in the business for than three years now.

Marivic is asking for a loan to buy more stock to sell in her store such as canned goods, noodles and snack foods, as well as ingredients for her cooking business. With this, she will be able to improve her sales and profit.

Marivic hopes to expand her business and save money for reinvestment in it and for the future schooling of her daughter.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details